A precious illustrated book, in which you can entertain your eyes with the images of beautiful wild animals all photographed in Wassamu by Kazuki Kiriu since 2010 and onward. Kazuki is still adding new photos as he goes out in the field and finds any animal or bird that is not on this book yet. The book can be seen/read online, but if you wish to have the printed copy, you can also order it via BCCK.jp. Sorry it is only in Japanese language. If you wish to have the English version of this book, please contact us on our ninaitai.wassamu.net/. Thank you!
The author, Kazuki, is an amateur photographer, and has been collecting these photos while he has been studying about the animals on the internet and from books.
Photos have been taken by his own digital cameras, not by single lens reflex camera. The resolution and quality of the photos may not be perfectly adjusted, but we hope you enjoy the realistic sensation of the moments when they were taken!
The most original part of this book is that the author has written information only confirmed in Wassamu either by books or by the word of local people who live in this town.
The author has also witnessed far more different kinds of animals and birds, however, because he wanted the photos that were taken in Wassamu only. Therefore, the book contains less than what he has actually seen.