~Blog by Akane~
Hello! The weather in Wassamu has become much more bearable to work, play, and relax.
My friend, Yoko, who is staying in Wassamu to experience farming from Kagawa, and I needed some time to chat and catch up with our daily updates during our busy and challenging days in Wassamu. So, we went to this restaurant we have always wanted to go called “Tone”. (http://toune.qee.jp/shop/)
Oh yes, this was the first time to go to an “izakaya” since I’ve moved here!こんにちは、館洞です。
We had rice with scallop and vegetables in a pot, and mushroom cream pasta. Both dishes were so delicious! And of course, we both came by car so drank two glasses of ume juice, and we were very happy to keep chattering and repeatedly say “cheers!” after a long day.
As we finished our dinner and chatting and went to pay, the owner of Tone asked us where we are from. We introduced ourselves, and when he found out that Yoko is from Kagawa, he got excited and asked her, “Can you make Udon? Kagawa is famous for its delicious Udon. Can you teach me how to make it?” Yoko said “Yes, I’ve attended a short course to learn how to make it.” Then we quickly decided to try it the day after. I had some flour harvested in Wassamu, so that was the good ingredient!
So, we started our experiment.
The flour was made from a variety of wheat called “Kitahonami”, a strong flour developed in Hokkaido, and is reputed for its great taste especially when used to make bread. We followed the instruction Yoko had brought.
First, add water little by little to the flour… and knead well.
Then let it ferment for a couple of hours…
Before cutting a thinly spread dough into strips, we knew it was going to be brown, coarse texture because the flour had visible brownish husks in it… And when we tried to cut, the husks humpered smooth cutting… Not so good…
We all began to cry out “It’s no good!”…

Finally, boil. Yes, coarse, but the owner was positive. He prepared delicious soup and some vegetable tempuras to cover this poor Udon. Done!
We tried it, and indeed, everything except the Udon noodles was great!
And I suggested others to think this is a different kind of food, not Udon, because if we think of this as Udon, we feel angry for is texture and shapes… Udon should be smooth on our tongue, long and white. Instead, this was a new food we invented… Well, we enjoyed it at least!
Observations: The flour must have been sieved out before making a dough. With smoother flour, it could have been much better Udon noodles to taste, and anyway it was a good try for our first attempt as Udon beginners. We should try making it again!

Yoko probably was the unhappiest person in this Udon Class, and was screaming all the way that she would try it again and it would be much better next time. Yoko, relax, it would turn out just fine next time! The Udon making experiment ended with satisfied stomach for me.
See you soon!


