If you are new to Wassamu, Shiokari Pass Museum, or Ayako Miura’s Museum in Wassamu, is one of the great places to visit in town.
Ayako Miura (1922-1999) is a well known novelist from Asahikawa. Her novels include ‘Shiokari Pass’ and ‘Freezing Point’. Shiokari Pass is located in Wassamu, where Masao Nagano stopped the train that went out of control by sacrificing his life. This actual story is the model of Miura’s novel ‘Shiokari Pass’, which was later made into a film. Miura is also known for being a converted Christian.
This museum is a Showa-retro kind of house that has been rebuilt in 1999, using the original materials of Miura’s house in Asahikawa.
I always wanted to make some explanation cards of exhibits in this museum since many foreign visitors come here. Here are some examples…
This museum closes at the end of November. (Closed during the snow season.)
It opens again at the beginning of April.
Whether you are her fan or not, this museum is definitely a place worth a visit!
(If you prefer English explanation in more details, please email: wassamuninaitai at gmail.com (replace ‘at’ with ‘@’) and I’ll come and help you with English explanations about the exhibits and her life.)

Another museum of Ayako Miura is in Asahikawa. (http://www.hyouten.com/)
Do not forget to visit both museums if you are a big fan of her and her novels!和寒町の観光スポットのベスト3に入る、塩狩峠記念館。(http://www.town.wassamu.hokkaido.jp/industrial-development/commerce-tourism/attractions/pass-memorial-shiokari/)
